Tuesday, October 27, 2009

An Egyptian’s Perspective on Islam

Last week on a business trip I had the blessing of riding with a Christian cab driver, who was also a Coptic Egyptian and naturalized American citizen. He had strong opinions about Islam, Muslim immigration to the United States, and the adopted country he loves.

He is familiar with both the Arabic as well as the softened English version of the Qu’ran. Both say that only Allah is God, and that Muhammad is a superior prophet to Jesus, and that Jesus is not the only Son of God, and that He did not die sacrificially for the sins of the world1. Both say that a different duty is owed to Muslims than to non-Muslims.

Clearly, in the Arabic Qu’ran, Muslims are to either convert non-believers (infidels), or kill them4. If they do not kill them, they should try to cheat them, and they do not owe non-Muslims the truth2. Allah says that they should hate infidels. Whereas, Christianity says that we should love our enemies, and that we owe all men the truth. Jesus is the truth3.

The Arabic Quran give men complete property rights over women6. He was dismayed at how a Muslim man would leave his wife and children in the Middle East, immigrate to America on a work or visitor visa, then marry an American woman, live with her for 3 years until his American citizenship was permanent, then divorce the American woman and repatriate any American born children back to the Middle East.

He spoke of his love for America which he said Middle Eastern countries equate with Christianity and the Cross of Christ. He believes it is not only a mistake, but a crime to allow the immigration of America’s ideological enemies.

We did agree on the solution. The power of the gospel and truth is still able to soften even a Muslim heart and make a new creation and child of God5. And we should evangelize and disciple the Islamic community with fervor. But, we should not be foolish about the Islamic agenda. And, he openly says that Allah is not any god, but rather Satan himself in one of his many names, the Father of Lies, and a Destroyer to all who follow his false religion.


1. Qu’ran Surah 3:59: The similitude of Isa before God is as that of Adam; He created him from dust… 4:157: That they said in boast ‘we killed Christ Isa, the son of Mary”… but the killed him not, nor crucified him.

2.Qu’ran 8:30 They plot and plan, and Allah, too plans, but the best of planners (deceivers) is Allah.

3. 3Bible John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

4. 4Qu’ran Surah 8:65 O Prophet, urge the believers to fight. If there are twenty patient men among you, you shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred, they shall overcome a thousand unbelievers, for they are a nation who do not understand. 9:29: Fight those who neither believe in Allah nor the Last Day, who do not forbid what Allah and His Messenger have forgidden, and do not embrace the religion of the truth, being among those who have been given the Bood, until they pay tiute out of hand and have been humiliated. 2:193: Fight against them until there is no dissension, and the religion is for Allah.

5. 5Bible Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

6. 6Qu’ran Sura 2:223 Your women are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like… 4:24: And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your hands (prisoners of war) (slave-girls are sexual property for their male owners.) Sura 4:3 And if you be apprehensive that you will not be able to do justice to the orphans, you may marry two or three or four women whom you choose. 4:34 … If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them, then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Slaves to sin

"For we know that our old self was crucified with Him, so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin ... " Romans 6:6

Let's go, in our imaginations, to West Africa, circa 1801. Very early morning in our village, just before sunrise. The night sounds are still heard, but there is another sound as well. It is the sound of heavy feet; different from anything we have ever heard before. There is also a sound that is completely foreign to our ears; later we would learn that it is the sound of metal chains clanging against each other. A rather pretty and somehow melodic sound, but also a frightening sound. As sleep tumbles from our eyes, we sense firelight moving in and out among our tents. Then screams. Babies crying and mothers shrieking. Mens' and boys' voices raised in anger and fear. Then darkness descends as a heavy club knocks consciousness away.

We awaken, you and I, several hours later, to horrific smells and a foreign, sickening movement. Another unknown sound is heard - a whip, slicing through the air and splitting open backs and arms and faces. Again, angry screams and the smell of blood. There are chains around our ankles and our wrists and we have been stripped of our garments. We are inside some kind of a large box, it seems. This box sways and moves - it is a ship. We are captives aboard a slave ship and life as we had come to know it is forever over. Tears spill from our eyes, even as we are forced to sit on tiny benches and row at oars. Anger that is kept under control by the chains, becomes our constant companion.

After days and weeks of anguish and death, we would do anything to be free once again, but there is no hope for us. We are slaves now and we will be slaves forever, or so it seems. The only way out would be for us to die; for dead men cannot be slaves anymore to anyone ever again.

Do you see that that is what Paul is trying to have us understand? You and I were slaves, slaves to sin, but we died and have been given the opportunity to live a new life. Those chains, which used to bind us, bind us no longer, because they were loosed from our dead wrists. Those whips that use to scar us can do so no longer, for we are dead and dead men feel no pain and fear no whips. And the slave drivers who made our lives so unbearable? As soon as we died, they lost interest in us. Do you get it? When we died to sin, we were set free from its mastery over us.

"Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

Today, recognize that you died and that sin has no hold on you at all! Live as free men! And don't go back to your old life of slavery.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Stinky Feet?

Are your feet stinky and dirty?
Have you ever washed someone else's dirty feet?
The thought that the creator of the universe, the king of kings and lord of lords washed stinky feet is such a strange thought, but a real story, and I think it bears another look don't you?

After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?" Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." "No," said Peter, "you shall never wash my feet." Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me." "Then, Lord," Simon Peter replied, "not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!" Jesus answered, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you." For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean. When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. "You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

Isn't that an amazing story? Here are some things I'd like to point out:

Jesus said they wouldn't understand what He was doing until later? So He meant there was something symbolic as well as physical going on.

He said they were already clean except for Judas Iscariot, but He had also bathed, but He didn't receive Christ as the others did. So being clean referred to their lives being made clean, their sins having been cleansed or forgiven and covered by virtue of their belief and acceptance of Jesus.

He said that we still get dirty stinky feet. Because we're not yet separated from our natural man, the sinful world, and we still stumble (sin) our feet get dirty. Our Christian walk and communion with God gets compromised. So Jesus and other believers need to "wash our feet" restore us to a good walk and fellowship from time to time.

We are supporsed to wash each other's feet and it will be a blessing to us. But, how do we do that?

Pray for each other... Hold each other accountable... Live transparent lives in fellowship with other believers... (Stay in the light house, so the dark is not so tempting) Counsel each other... Train, forgive, and restore each other... Be there for each other...

Do you need your feet washed?

Is there someone else that needs you to wash their feet?

Your wife? Your kids? Your Christian brother?