Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Leaders Led

That the leaders led in Israel, That the people volunteered, Bless the Lord! *

These words start the song of Deborah, a famous judge in the book of Judges in the old testament. I haven't been reading in the old testament for a while, and so I've been missing out. As a favorite cbmc'er once said, himself a Messianic Jew, "If you don't know your old testament, you're going into battle with half a sword!"

Reading Judges I was taken by what a bunch of scoundrels the Jews were. They weren't any more likeable, honorable, or sinless than the alien nations around them. Their only difference was that they had been introduced to the true living God, who had chosen them, and had delivered His law and favor on them through Moses and the Patriarchs.

The reason that things were tough for the Jews, with the Philistines and Moabites giving them a hard time, was that they were disobedient to the truth. They didn't put away the temptations of a worldly culture, and they worshiped foreign Gods. Then God would have to raise up a judge to straighten things out.

The United States, or rather colonies were first successfully settled by Christian pilgrims, Puritans if you will. And the world still views us as a Christian nation. But things aren't going as well for us as we'd like. Families in peril, finances in ruins, debtors to the world, and current high unemployment.

We, the church in America, haven't put away the temptations of a worldly culture. We have allowed God and the truth of the Bible to be taken out of our government and schools. And much of the church has set up the foreign gods of materialism, tolerance to sin, and ignorance, if not rejection of the true Word and standards of God.

Let's pray that God will raise up Judges, prophets, and leaders in our land to turn us back. Let's call on God and look forward to the time when...

The leaders will lead, the people will volunteer, and the Lord will once again be blessed by America.

* Judges 5:2 PS: Guys there's also a message in the chapters around this if we men don't assume our headship and lead. God will use and raise up the gals like Deborah and Jael to get His work done.