Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Luke 6:12 It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God.

I was talking with one of our regular Fishersmen who described his very full weekend, with many good activities and accomplishments. But then he described being grumpy on Sunday afternoon, and he was having trouble getting out of his funk, and not grumbling to his wife and children.

We can all relate to that. It’s not as much needing ME time, as it is just having some down time, or a bit of MARGIN in our busy schedules in this hectic world. I was impressed with an Operation Timothy lesson that challenged us in, “If you only have 3 more years to live. Only 3 years to accomplish your life’s purpose, how would you use your time?” Jesus earthly ministry only lasted about 3 years, yet mission accomplished, and He saved and changed the world for eternity.

Only 3 years, but He took time out to get alone, out away from the city, to be calm, focused, and talk to Dad. How’s your margin? Too many plates spinning? Any down time,? empty box time?unscheduled reflection time available to you in the next few days? Weeks?

Retreat, reflect, refocus, recharge, talk to Dad, and perhaps you’ll be better able to accomplish the good works God has for you to walk in, that He prepared for you before the beginning of the world.