In Operation Timothy, cbmc’s one on one discipleship program, we’re learning that as Christians we are soldiers in an ideological war. Our enemies are the devil, our own fleshy human nature, and the world system.
In Operation Timothy, cbmc’s one on one discipleship program, we’re learning that as Christians we are soldiers in an ideological war. Our enemies are the devil, our own fleshy human nature, and the world system.
Last week I shared some thoughts and quotes about New Year’s Resolutions and the opportunity to change things in one’s life for the better. I thought I’d continue the theme and share some more thoughts from a couple of sources.
1. Set high goals or stretch goals for yourself.
2.State goals in a positive way as Opportunities, rather than a negative way, as problems to overcome.
3. Put your health and physical wellbeing at the top of your agend, so you have the energy to be successful.
4. Make sure that your goals are consistent with, and an expression of your values and beliefs.
5. Focus on behavior versus thoughts. As Nike says "just do it" This year try not to think your way into a new way of acting. Rather act your way into a new way of thinking. We tend to think that ideas always come first, which leads to new behaviors. As a rule, theory seldom precedes practice. Start immediately and you'll see your performance and happiness soar.
As God said to Cain, "If you do well (behave well) will not your countenance be lifted up (Your attitude will improve!)." Cain didn't listen, and it didn't work out well for he or brother Abel.
“The most significant decision you will ever make concerns your willingness to follow God’s plan for your life as revealed in the Bible. This decision directly impacts your daily life and your eternal destiny.”
“After you receive salvation by God’s grace through our Lord Jesus Christ, your growth in Christ and fitness to help others biblically will be in proportion to your faithfulness in biblically examining yourself and applying God’s truths to your life.”
Blessings as you work on positive change this year!
The Apostle Paul says we should put off the old and put on the new, and the beginning of a new year is a time we reflect on what we’d like to change and do a little goal setting for the future. Researchers tell us that top New Year’s Resolutions have to do with Weight Loss, Exercise,To Stop Smoking, Better money management, and Debt reduction. (Some of those are on my list.)
Researchers also say that making resolutions actually does help effect change. Here are some statistics:
· People who explicitly make resolutions are ten times more likely to attain their goals than people who don't.
· 64% are still keeping resolution after one month
· 46% are still keeping resolution after six month
· Read through the Bible this year (or for the over-achievers in 90 days)
· Establish a daily quiet time for prayer or reading the Word.
· Join a small group at church (or be more regular at the Fishersmen weekly breakfast)
· Participate in an outreach or evangelistic event this year
· Journal your prayer requests to see God’s faithfulness
· Become a mentor to someone this year (A Paul in Operation Timothy?)