We're not a service organization, networking group, fund raising machine. Nor are we Buddhist, Muslim, or Unitarian. We're a Christian men's Group.
So we need to have a couple of things as any group does to accomplish its purpose: A guide, or role model, and a source or reference of authority. For us, as for all Christians, our role model is Jesus of Nazareth, called the Christ, and our source of authority is the Bible.
Anyone's opinion has value, may be interesting or novel, sound good, or even sound inclusive and non-judgemental. But, if you're going to base your world view, your philosophy of life, your success and spiritual future on it. You, like me might want to go to the highest, and commonly respected authority. Paul commended the Bereans for checking out his New Testament teachings against the Hebrew Scriptures of the day.
How about the people closest to Jesus? What does John or Peter, or even Paul have to say as recorded in the Bible. How did early church leaders boil their understanding, their beliefs from their study of scripture down into what is true? What do the Creeds say?
I think every honest seeker follower would want to go to these primary sources.
Here are some links and references:
Who has the Holy Spirit?
What have authentic Christians believed about Christianity for hundreds of years through persecution and prosperity?
The Bible is the most published book ever, and revered by most to be exceptions, and by many to be the word of God. Got questions? Read it.
Jesus has had more impact on the world than any other historic figure. And to millions, including myself, we are thoroughly convinced that he is who he said he is in the Bible, God in the flesh. Want to find truth? Learn what he said. Not parts of what he said. All that is recorded that he said. Then, if you're open and sincere, lets talk.
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