Tony Twist, the president of TCM International , a teaching and discipling ministry to Eastern Europe wrote a neat article I wanted to share with you.
What to do? Powerless to change anything. Going in wrong directions. Corrupt government on the brink of destruction. Feeling abandoned.
People all over the world are feeling this way. And we always have. Just like the disciples hearing the Great Commission in the first century. This was exactly their circumstance! Betrayed by authorities, unable to change things, and not knowing what to do that would make a difference. In fact, just a few years later, their entire country was destroyed by Caesar.
But in His final words to us, Jesus gives the answer. It may seem counter-intuitive. But actually it’s brilliant. We simply forget that His command in the commission was given to keep us focused on what makes the difference. What has the power to turn our world right-side up.
Make Disciples of all the nations.
Why? Because International Disciplers are His PLAN. That’s it. And it’s brilliant! Because it is the only way to be part of real, lasting change. God knows that circumstances will not change if people don’t. But when people commit to His family PLAN, deep lasting change can result. ID’s Pray like Him, Live like Him, Allocate resources as He taught, and Network as He did.
When we reclaim our true ID (international disciplers), we “re-member” whose we are. In His power and presence, we are emboldened to join with brothers and sisters everywhere to honor our family name and promote our family values. Shuch a family brings order out of chaos by radically lighting up our world together with Him. When a family is so grounded, death can’t even stop it. In 2009, TCM committed to a vision for the future that focuses on develoing disciple makers to make a global impact by more effectively influencing churches, cultures, and countries for Christ. Now, in 2010, we want to be part of a global movement to call all of us back to this simple, powerful imperative. It’s time to reclaim our true ID. This is what we must do.
Guys, What do you think about that? Is your true identity ID an International Discipler, or at least an Indiana Discipler? What do you think of this description of the PLAN: Pray like Him, Live like Him, Allocate resources as He taught, and Network as He did.? Have you seen Networking for Christ as your duty?
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