Ever taken a comparative religions class? Man has believed in a superior being or gods since the beginning of history. It's really the atheists who are the odd ones out. I thought I'd just pass along an interesting blog from my pastor at Church of the Lakes. He summarizes the major religions today and makes some good points for we Christ followers. Do you know enough to connect with someone from another religious paradigm and make a defense of the gospel?
"Since ancient times no one has heard,
no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides You,
who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him."
Isaiah 64:4
How many gods are there?
In all honesty, this is one of the dividing lines between the world's religions.
For example, in Hinduism, there are 365 million gods.
Can you imagine trying to keep them all straight and happy?
In Buddhism (a furtherance of Hinduism), to my best understanding,
it's not so much about the Hindu gods,
as it is about following the 7 fold path.
And, of course, we haven't even mentioned all the man-made gods
that people have worshiped and all the supposed gods of nature.
In Islam, there is one god, Allah.
In Judaism, there is one God, Yahweh.
In Christianity, there is one God, Yahweh, and His Son, Jesus.
Can you see any points of contention here????
Unless people can agree on just how many gods there are,
and then agree on who those gods or God is,
we're never going to be connected.
Isaiah reminds us that never, in all of history, has any other god
ever revealed himself to humanity in miracles like the Exodus
and the parting of the Red Sea and the parting of the Jordan River
and the giving of the Ten Commandments.
If all these other gods exist, why aren't they doing anything?
Is it possible that they don't exist at all?
Isn't this what Elijah, the prophet of Yahweh, proved
on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:16ff)
My friends, remember the teaching of the Apostles Creed and
hang on to the truth that there is one God who had one begotten Son
and about a billion adopted sons and daughters.
I know Him and I serve Him through His Son.
This is Pastor Bruce
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