I’m going through the Chronological Bible which has me transitioning from the book of Judges to the story of Ruth. What a change! The clans of Jacob have been fighting each other over a land grab and almost wipe out Benjamin after a shameful scandal of the abuse of a concubine. Judges leaves us with a mess in Israel, because it says, “Everyone did what they thought was right in their own eyes.”
The love story of Ruth is much more encouraging. A foreigner, Ruth, a Moabite woman marries into a Jewish family and learns to love her mother in law and the ways and God of Israel. Ruth sacrificially gleans in the fields of a relative of Naomi’s and brings enough grain home to keep Naomi and herself alive in tough times. Boaz, a righteous man, and kinsman redeemer, ends up looking after Ruth and Naomi, and redeeming the women and their former lands for a heritage.
Boaz is touched by Ruth’s love for her mother in law, and her willingness to cast her lot with him, self described as an older man, not as young and handsome as men more Ruth’s age. But they happily marry and put a family together. Ruth gives birth to Obed, who later becomes the father of Jesse, and the grandfather of King David. God really honors this family’s selflessness and desire to do what’s right.
In fact, the name “Ruth,” has come to mean Love! You may be more familiar with the negative “ruthless” meaning without any love or regard for one’s fellow man. Quite a change from the selfishness of Judges to the selflessness of Ruth! Read this inspiring story when you have a chance.
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