Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Benefits of “M”

Men who are “M” earn more money that those without “M.” Men who are “M” have less illness, accidents, and are less prone to alcoholism and suicide that men who are not “M.” Women who are “M” are wealthier, physically healthier, and less likely to be victims of violence. Couples who are “M” report being more satisfied with their sex lives than any other group. The children of couples who are “M” have better academic performance, less criminal behavior, and are less likely to live in poverty.

By now you’ve probably guessed that “M” is for marriage. But both the Family Dynamics Institute and my wife and daughter say that I should say “HM” for the benefits of healthy marriages.

A healthy marriage would be one that followed the institution’s creative design… Oh yes, you did know that marriage was God’s idea. You remember, the
leave and cleave, the love and respect, the mutual submission, the help-mate and completed man thing.

So as our culture tries to redefine marriage, and as cohabitation and children out of wedlock continues its popularity, I wanted to remind us of the original plan, and of the statistics validating doing it God’s way.
* The Case for Marriage (2000), by Linda J. Waite and Maggie Gallagher, and the Family Dynamics Institute

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