Monday, August 31, 2009

Learning from your kids

The old Indian chief thought he'd seen it all, done it all and with nothing else to die for, decided he should go ahead and die. So the tribe had a celebration banquet with food cooked over the campfire, and of course the obligatory dancing, when the chief observed a young boy rubbing his fingers in the mud before picking up his char grilled food. The old chief asking the young boy why he did so, he said the mud protected his fingers from the hot meat and he could eat without burning his fingers. The chief acknowledged, "I've learned something new from this small boy," called off the feast and went on to lead his tribe for 10 more years before joining the "great white spirit."

This weekend my son was home from college, and as we were driving together he came out with "The difference between temptation and testing," very clearly and distinctly... "The devil, or his minions, seek to tempt us to exploit our sin nature, call attention to our unworthiness for salvation, get us depressed, and take us out of our game. God does not temp anyone, nor is He tempted by sin, but rather tests his children (gives us the chance to respond correctly under trial) to confirm our godliness and holiness as He sanctifies us, to encourage us that He's working in our lives.

The old man learned something new from his kid, so I guess I'll keep on keeping on.

I've got a lot I can learn yet, how about you?

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