"My sheep recognize my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish." John 10:27-28
There's an awful lot in these few words, don't you think?
Jesus says we belong to Him, we are His sheep. He bought us, redeemed us with his very blood.
Christians recognize His voice, receive His words in the Bible. Accept the Bible, His teachings as being life giving and true.
He knows us, better than we know ourselves. Yet, despite our faults, He loves us and still shepherds us.
Sheep follow their shepherd. Believers follow Jesus. It doesn't matter what you call yourself, if you don't follow Jesus, you're not one of His sheep.
He gives us abundant, everlasting life, now, not after the rapture, or after the great day of the Lord, but now, and continuing forever.
His sheep don't go to slaughter and become mutton. We produce fine wool, a crop of good works for the kingdom. And we will never perish
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