I've been reviewing the life of Moses in the book of Exodus to get some insights into his character and how God chose him and used him to rescue the Israelites out of Egypt. What struck me this morning is how God called him to service. It involved God revealing Himself, Tasking or Commissioning Moses with an important work, and then Equipping him for the task.
God gets Moses attention with a burning bush that is not consumed. Moses at this point seems completely ignorant about the true God. "Who are you, who shall I say you are?", Moses says. God dramatically to distinguish himself from all the false Egyptian gods says, "I AM, that I AM."
God then tells Moses what He wants him to do, and Moses starts bringing out excuses. God tells him, "but I'm going to be with you!" Which is all that we should need to know.
Moses continues to balk, and God starts previewing His equipment for Moses. Drop your staff... Put your hand in your robe and take it out... You'll now be able to turn water into blood... Oh, and yes, because you are such a whiner, I'll let your fast talking brother, Aaron, do your talking for you...
Are you reluctant to a call God has on your life? Does He have an important work for you to do in someone else's life? Don't you know Who He is? Don't
you know if He calls you, He'll be with you? Don't you know that if He gives you a task, He'll equip you with heavenly tools to bring it to pass?
Check out the first 4 chapters of Exodus and see how God makes heros out of reluctant servants.
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