I hope you had as good an Easter weekend as I did. Yes, there was family and good food. But I was also blessed around this Easter with encouraging and inspirational messages by God’s people.
At the Billy Graham Evangelical Association meeting I was privileged to attend, Franklin Graham shared an update on his family, and some neat things BGEA and Samaritan’s Purse are doing to share Jesus Christ with the world. He spoke of “Boldness” in taking a little risk to tell others that Jesus loves them before they are lost without Him forever.
Most of my family attended Heartland Church on the Northeast side, and we enjoyed a very uplifting service with a well crafted message for seekers, communicating that to God, “Everyone is welcome,” to receive forgiveness and eternal life. Also, that with God, “Anything is possible.”
They also shared a very simple, but accurate mnemonic for a person coming to Christ, and meeting Jesus through a sinner’s prayer: I Know. I’m Sorry. And, I’m Ready. I know that Jesus is the Son of God, who He said He was. I’m sorry for my sin, and I know I need a Savior. I’m finally ready to accept and receive Him as my Lord and Savior, and ready to stop driving my own life and let Him change me.
In an article in a recent cbmc publication, there was a great reminder of the uniqueness and power of Jesus Christ. Bible stories that tell us:
· Jesus loves the unlovely Luke 19-1-10 (A TAX COLLECTOR)
· Jesus is willing to forgive the lowest sinner John 8:1-11 (A PROSTITUTE, OR ADULTERER)
· Jesus can provide for your need Matthew 14:15-21 (FEED A MULTITUDE)
· Jesus can heal your hurt Luke 17:11-19 (LEPROSY)
· Jesus can give you eternal life John 11:1-44 (RAISING A DEAD MAN)
Finally, in a recent book by Billy Graham, he and son, Franklin explain why millions of people have been willing to listen to Billy over the past 60 years. “It’s not what I have to say, but what God’s Word has to say to them.” That’s why they come out by the thousands into stadiums over all over the world for 3 generations.
Give your friends, family and acquaintances God’s word with boldness. Let them know everone is welcome, and anything is possible. Tell them about Jesus, why He’s special and unique. And , if they know, are sorry, and ready, help them open the door of their hearts to Him.
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