I saw a green bumper sticker on a car the other day that made me think. It said “Love Your Mother,” and had a picture of the earth. It made me think, “ We should love our father (Heavenly Father) that made our mother “earth” and breathed life into man long ago.
Earth Day corresponded to Good Friday this year and it made me think. The earth was cursed along with man when Adam and Eve sinned. The earth was perfect, but now it has some problems. The Bible says that creation groans, waiting for its redemption by a Savior. It made me think, on Good Friday, Earth Day, The Savior died for the sins of man, and not only redeems man, but sets the stage for the redemption of creation, including the future recreation of a new heaven and new earth.
This Sunday is Mother’s Day, and it makes me think. Gee, I’m thankful for my mother. A woman who loved, cared for, and sacrificed her own will many times to raise me. It made me think, “I want the Savior to bless my mother,” and, “I’m so thankful for her!”
Love Your Mother?
Love Your Mother!
Thank Dad for your mother this weekend. Tell your mother thanks, and that you love her. Tell her that Jesus loves her even more.
It makes you think!
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